A Study of Financial Performance Indicators and Critical Evaluation

A Study of Financial Performance Indicators and Critical Evaluation

of Regional Rural Water Supply Schemes of Gujarat StateIn the Subject of Accounting and Financial Management

International Research Press ( 2020-11-25 )

€ 94,90

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Water is one of the most important natural resources for the survival of life on the earth. There is plenty of water on the earth but it is not always in the right place, at the right time and of the right quality and in required quantity. The supply of water available for use by mankind is made limited by nature. Water is a renewable natural resource having multiple roles as consumption good, production good and an environmental amenity. It contributes significantly to economic growth and overall human development. However, water is a scarce resource which needs to be planned, developed, conserved and managed on integrated and environmentally sound basis, keeping in view the socio- economic aspects and needs.The present study intends to know the position of RRWSS in India and especially in Gujarat Region.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Dr. Sapna Patel

Number of pages:


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Business management