Ecological and Phytochemical Studies on Two Medicinal Plants

Ecological and Phytochemical Studies on Two Medicinal Plants

Ecology and Pytochemistry of Medicinal Plants in Protected Areas in the Mediterranean Coast of Egypt

International Research Press ( 2020-09-11 )

€ 67,90

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The book will focus on two medicinal geophytes are namely: Asparagus stipularis and Asphodelus aestivus were selected for ecological and phytochemical studies. Ecological study aims to evaluate the distribution pattern of these two species along the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. The floristic analysis indicated that the associates with both species are mainly therophytes, chamaephytes and geophytes. Both species shows wide habitat range. Asparagus stipularis recorded as indicator species for stabilized sand dunes, also recorded in other sandy habitats (coastal dunes and sad flats), saline depression and inland ridges. Asphodelus aestivus recorded mainly in non-saline depressions, rocky ridges and inland plateau. Both species are found to grow in slightly alkaline soil, low to medium soil salinity, A. stipularis prefers relatively high soil organic carbon and A. aestivus prefers soil with high calcium carbonate content.The phytochemical analysis showed that different secondary metabolites might be exist as alkaloides, flavenoides, saponin, tannins, cardiac glucosides and terpenoides.

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By (author) :

Mamdouh Salem Serag
A. Khder, A.AbouEl-Naga -M. AbdelMogieb
Reda Abdou Abou Moustafa

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