Industrial relations a pillar to sustainable entrepreneurship

Industrial relations a pillar to sustainable entrepreneurship

The Zimbabwe experience

International Research Press ( 2020-06-10 )

€ 59,90

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This book endeavours to create awareness about the importance of industrial relations in entrenuership. Application has been done with reference to the Zimbabwe context, largely focusing on the challenges facing especially budding entrepreneurs and those in the informal sector on their understanding of industrial relations. The informal sector has been growing and fast becoming the country’s largest employer since the mainstream industry and commerce sectors have been facing many operational challenges due to the perennial economic hardships that have culminated in a number of companies liquidated since the major economic reforms of the 1990s. Comprehensive empirical studies conducted showed that a lot of effort has to be done spearheaded by the government so that entrepreneurs promote the formalisation of employment relations at their work places. Suggestions made should improve their compliance with the national labour laws and subsequently enhance the creation of a conducive and harmonious working environment.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Dominic Uzhenyu

Number of pages:


Published on:



Work-, economics- and industrial sociology