The Role of Cyber Security in Minimizing Online Crime Rate in Postwar

The Role of Cyber Security in Minimizing Online Crime Rate in Postwar

Cyber security

International Research Press ( 2020-05-08 )

€ 59,90

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This book investigates the role of cyber security in postwar Sierra Leone and assesses its impacts on the economic development and improvement of the security challenges related to cyber security in the country.An organized Internet crime with more sophisticated cyber hacking techniques poses greater threats to societies and nations. Individual nations and organizations are faced with critical issues on how to defend their cyberspace. Cybercrime as a digitized stage for performing political espionage and cyber warfare is the new global order. Understanding cyber risks are essential for minimizing the cybercrime rate in postwar Sierra Leone. Cyber-attacks are gradually on the rise and it is regarded as a national security matter. Though it seems too complex to design an effective measure to protect and secure the cyberspace, this thesis exhibits several security options that can withstand the numerous cyber security threats and challenges nationwide.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Ibrahim Abdulai Sawaneh

Number of pages:


Published on:



Criminal law, Criminal Law Proceedings, criminology