Learning the secrets of Cosmos in ancient times

Learning the secrets of Cosmos in ancient times

Famous ancient scientists

International Research Press ( 2020-08-08 )

€ 45,90

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Since the very first sprouts of human civilization on Earth, its most advanced intellectual representatives have been interested in several fundamental questions: how life was born, what is the shape of the Earth, and what is more land or water? At first, people thought that all space was limited to the place where they lived and worked. One by one, gradually, as they developed their environment, while hunting and traveling between communities, they began to understand that the world was not quite what they thought it was. Turning over the pages of encyclopedias published by all countries in all languages, we meet the familiar names of great people: Aristotle, Plato, Eratosfen, Herodotus, Archimedes, Biruni, Ibn Sina, Euclid, Strabo, Hipparchus and others who played an exceptional role in the development of world science from antiquity to the early Middle Ages. Today astronomy is practised because it represents an essential part of natural science. Scientific curiosity forces us to study what happens in the world. Astronomers are also known to use the results of astronomical research.

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By (author) :

Ramiz Daniz

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