School Dental Health Programmes

School Dental Health Programmes

International Research Press ( 2019-08-23 )

€ 79,90

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Schools are temple of education and an effective, well-established system for promoting oral health. Healthy lifestyle habits developed early in childhood enables the child to lead a socially and economically productive quality of life. The school provides an ideal setting for promoting oral health. Schools can also provide an important network and channel to the local community. The programme is usually integrated with activities within the homes and community. Its success requires the co-operation and collaboration of the vital functional sectors of the community. Health promotion activities can be targeted at the home and throughout the community by school personnel. Similarly, through the pupils, health promotion messages can be passed on to other members of the family. In rural and urban target areas, where high caries rate among children couple with low family income, operative dental care may be needed at government expense, together with group preventive measures. It is important to set these programmes into broad field of school health. Hence the present literature review is carried out to overview the School dental health programmes so that future school programmes.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Shilpa Warhekar
Ashish Warhekar

Number of pages:


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