Applied Geology in Construction Practice

Applied Geology in Construction Practice

A companion for infrastructural development

International Research Press ( 2019-06-11 )

€ 129,90

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This book integrates geoscientific principles in engineering practices for application in infrastructural and mining sectors while addressing mitigation measures for associated geohazards. It is intended for students pursuing graduate courses in higher education; particularly for African universities and technical institutions that offer programs that require applied geology as a course unit. The authors have provided generic and subject specific competencies, as a new approach to authorship of educational material, in the interest of a reader who anticipates to be evaluated in a learning environment of an academic institution. Background geological knowledge has been provided in first seven chapters and its application is then captured in the next nine chapters using illustrative communication, especially well labelled key images. Evaluation aspects have been addressed so as to test the learning process of the reader as witnessed in exercises at the end of each chapter while capturing subject specific competencies adduced at the beginning of every chapter. Besides its simplicity, the book acts as a stimulating companion for students, researchers and professionals.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Bernard Kipsang Rop
Wycliffe H. Namwiba

Number of pages:


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