Design of Energy Efficient AODV for MANET

Design of Energy Efficient AODV for MANET

International Research Press ( 2020-05-07 )

€ 79,90

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EEAODV illustrates the energy conservation technique to improve the routing protocol efficiency. The energy conservation is attained in the MAC layer. It deals with the proposed energy conservation scheme. It explains the relation of routing overhead and energy conservation and it deals with the routing overhead reduction. It calculates the available and required energy of communication node and it evaluates the conserved energy level. It simulates the consuming energy in EE-AODV and, it compares the simulation result with AODV protocol. In the second fold, Energy Conserved-AODV is proposed, In EC-AODV, the source node sends a packet to the destination node. During this process, the source node sends RREQ packets to the intermediate nodes. The intermediate nodes initially in the sleeping state, awakens when the RREQ packet arrives and it forwards to the next node and again it is going to the sleep node. This protocol increases the survivability of the network by maintaining the network connectivity and to lead to a longer battery life of the terminals.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

V. Ramesh

Number of pages:


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Data communication, networks