Quantum Dash Laser in WDM L-band Communication Systems

Quantum Dash Laser in WDM L-band Communication Systems

International Research Press ( 2021-04-22 )

€ 89,90

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Wavelength division multiplexed passive optical networks are perceived as the ultimate form of next-generation passive optical network that show promising outlooks in meeting the ever-growing demand of telecommunication capacities and internet traffic. In this book, an InAs/InP quantum dash laser is investigated as an ideal contender to meeting this demand owing to is broadband emission, which allows for expanding the utilizable bandwidth away from the over-exhausted C-band and to accommodating more subscribers for less capital expenditure. Firstly, the device is inspected as a tunable light source with a total emission-wavelength tuning range of 30 nm due to its inhomogeneous active region. Thereafter, the device is investigated in two-sectioned configurations to realize other monolithic devices. Lastly, the quantum dash active region is examined in terms of its electro-absorption (EA) and electro-optic (EO) characteristics. On another front, the quantum dash laser is employed to achieve the first demonstration of WDM transmission in the L-band over a single transmitter with an aggregate data rate of 384 Gbit/s with three simultaneous channels in DP-QPSK modulation scheme.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Emad Alkhazraji

Number of pages:


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Electronics, electro-technology, communications technology