Nutritional Status of Adults in Low and Middle Income Strata

Nutritional Status of Adults in Low and Middle Income Strata

Nutritional Status of Adults in Different Strata

International Research Press ( 2020-05-07 )

€ 45,90

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The study will contribute to the society in the following ways:- The study will be helpful in assessing the nutritional status of adults in low and middle income strata. The findings of the study may be used to highlight the difference in nutritional status of adults in low and middle income strata. The study will assess the anthropometric variables like height, weight, and waist hip ratio in adults from low and middle income strata. The study will assess the diet, calorie control, fat/cholesterol control and sodium/salt control in adults from low and middle income strata.The finding of the study will provide a guide-line to the future research investigators in nutritional sciences (nutritional status & assessment) to conduct further research in this field. The results of the present study will add quantum of Knowledge in the respective areas..

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Vikram Singh
T. Onima Reddy

Number of pages:


Published on:



Education, Occupation, Career