Credit policy and financial performance of commercial banks in Uganda

Henry Buwule Musoke, Florence Nameere - ISBN: 978-3-330-65166-1

Work Stress on the Job Satisfaction Counsellors and Guidance Teachers

Azizi Yahaya, Kamariah H.J. Kasah, Ismail Maakip - ISBN: 978-3-330-65175-3

Autotransplantation of teeth with complete root formation

A collection of studies by the Kyushikai Association of Japan

Koichi Yoshino, Koji Ito, Masahiko Kuroda - ISBN: 978-3-330-65148-7

Mergers and Acquisitions

Wealth Creation in Mergers and Acquisitions – A Performance Analysis

Nirmala Joseph - ISBN: 978-3-330-65151-7

Avulsion in Primary Teeth

First-Aid guidance for Avulsed teeth

Bhagyashree M. Thakur, Suraj M. Pawar, Ajinkya M. Pawar - ISBN: 978-3-330-65102-9

Maternal and Child Health Profile

Gulnawaz Usmani - ISBN: 978-3-330-65112-8

Autologous bone marrow cell therapy in modified radical mastectomy

Sribatsa Kumar Mahapatra, L.V. Gouri, Dharbind kumar Jha - ISBN: 978-3-330-65132-6

Self-Regulation of Impulsive Behavior

A Theoretical Model for ADHD-HI Subtype

Gayle V. Logan, Jesse J. Logan, Nadira T. Pardo - ISBN: 978-3-330-65135-7