Leverages of Political Pressure on Georgian Media and Rustavi 2 Case

Rustavi 2 Broadcasting Company - The Most Important Media in the Region

Rusudan Vashakidze - ISBN: 978-620-2-30192-3

Challenges Militating against Goodluck Jonathan Transformation Agenda

Sanusi Abdulwasiu, Mudassir Ahmad Gado - ISBN: 978-620-2-30205-0

Design, and Synthesis of Novel Anti - tuberculosis Agents

Design,Synthesis and Anti-tuberculosis Evaluation of Ciprofloxacin-Sulfonamide Conjugates using Hybridization Approach

Noor Hatef Aldabagh, Mohammed Hassan Mohammed - ISBN: 978-620-2-30196-1

Financial Management of Kadapa co operative Bank

Morusu Siva Sankar - ISBN: 978-620-2-30090-2

Organizational climate: A live study

Neeraj Kumari - ISBN: 978-620-2-30194-7

Ranking Algorithms for Complex Networks

Andri Mirzal - ISBN: 978-620-2-30169-5