Utilization of Cottonseed Biodiesel in CI Engine

Cottonseed bio-diesel in CI Engine

Sunil Kumar Mahla, Varun Singla - ISBN: 978-620-2-30433-7

A match made at Madras: Margaret Maskelyne: Lady Clive

1735-1817: Her Life and Times

John A. Thomas - ISBN: 978-620-2-30577-8

Eco-Friendly Synthesis of Multi-Component Reactions

Kirti Niralwad, Ishwar Ghorade - ISBN: 978-620-2-30572-3

Route to Freedom

A Study of Fredrick Douglass's Narrative and Alex Haley's Roots

Rasha Osman Abdel Haliem - ISBN: 978-620-2-30593-8

Experiential Education in the American History Museum 1767-2007

Defining, exploring roots and characteristics, and noting examples of experiential education in museums

Bettye Cook - ISBN: 978-620-2-30498-6

Insect Pheromone Technology

Application in controlling Helicoverpa armigera

Kalpna Varshney - ISBN: 978-620-2-30289-0

Economics of Tourism

A case of Selected tourism centres in Chittoor District

M. Vasu - ISBN: 978-620-2-30392-7

Film Criticism

Alexander Fedorov - ISBN: 978-620-2-30488-7