The Second Chance Project

A Multi-Level Examination of Secondary prevention Practices for Saudi People Following A Recent cardiac Event

Hawazen Rawas, Karen Theobald, Patsy Yates - ISBN: 978-620-2-31297-4

Communicable Diseases Training Manual

Rajan Patil - ISBN: 978-620-2-31290-5

Incidental findings and referral pattern for CBCT

Shilpa Ashish Warhekar, Ashish M. Warhekar - ISBN: 978-620-2-31079-6

Rediscovering our Anglican Heritage

Reclaiming the Charisms of the Holy Spirit In Worship Contexts

James Levi Guthrie Jr - ISBN: 978-620-2-31123-6

Hybrid Aluminium Matrix Composites (HAMCs)

Pardeep Sharma, Vishal Dabra, Neeraj Sharma - ISBN: 978-620-2-31331-5

Physico-chemical characterization and antioxidant assay of tomato

Prosanta Kumar Dash, Md. Mazidul Islam Talukder, Md. Abdul Mannan - ISBN: 978-3-639-76545-8

Breathing Art into Life

The political role of artistic networks in post-truth times

Daniel Vargas Gómez - ISBN: 978-620-2-31209-7