Effectives of air pollition on Tomato Plant (Perscon esculatum)

Jesse Lugadiru, Jacinta M. Kimiti, Wycliffe Wanzala - ISBN: 978-613-8-69410-6

Does Islamic Banking Lead to More Efficiency?

Safeer Ahmad Danish - ISBN: 978-613-8-67894-6

An Investigation on the use of ICT in Increasing the Effectiveness

of NGOs within the North West Province

Estelle Ahanda - ISBN: 978-613-8-59174-0

BWTBOAT - Shared solution for shipping to comply IMO BWM CONVENTION

BWTBOAT- Ballast water treatment boat delivering IMO-BWM convention D2 standard complied treated ballast water to Ships

Sandip Patil - ISBN: 978-620-2-31993-5