Materials for Photovoltaic Applications

Si Crystalline and Amorphous, TCO, DSSC Titanium Oxide, CdSe, CdTe, CNT and Carbon nanocomposites based Solar Cells

Jayachandran Muthurulandi, Sivabharathy Madasamy, Ayeshamariam Abbas - ISBN: 978-613-8-82545-6

Digitalization in Dentistry

CAD/CAM - A Futuristic Overview

Dr. Geeta Arya - ISBN: 978-613-8-82533-3

Word Formation Used in Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone Novel

Types of Word Formation Used in Chapter Sixteen of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Novel Written by J. K. Rowling

Intan Savira, Fitrawati Fitrawati - ISBN: 978-613-8-82531-9

Dendrimers in leukemia

Drug delivery through nano device

Ramadoss Karthikeyan, Palanirajan Vijayarajkumar - ISBN: 978-613-8-82514-2

Water and Sanitation Improvement in Bugungu SS, Buliisa - Uganda

Morris Okumu, Everd Maniple - ISBN: 978-620-2-31851-8

Jaffna Tamil Culture in Sri Lankan English Writing from Jaffna

Sivagowri Sivagurunathan Rajashanthan - ISBN: 978-613-8-58591-6

Flaps in Maxillomandibular Reconstruction -An Overview

R. Muthunagai, Mudit Agarwal, R. Sivasankary - ISBN: 978-620-2-30969-1