Social Marketing as Intervention in the Partner Relationships Issues

Social Marketing as Intervention in the Partner Relationships Issues

New Innovative Model of Social Marketing

International Research Press ( 2018-06-01 )

€ 34,90

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This work intertwines two different fields of science where we can see how very much connected they actually are. The first one is social marketing and the second one is the field of partner relationship and family relations. To the best of our knowledge, this research issue is almost unaddressed in the literature. Social marketing impacts many social issues. This survey is therefore focused on using it for changing the behaviour of the partners from which it is required to modify deeply rooted beliefs and patterns of behaviour. Based on the results of the research a model of new social marketing interventions on issues of partnership relations have been created. The model shows how social marketing can help solving problems in partner relationships by the influence of awareness and information about the importance of a good and healty partnership, the abandonment of old habits and adoption of the new ways of behaviour in a relationship, the change of deep patterns of behaviour, feelings and ideas about relationship, the changes of values or deeply rooted beliefs and principles, the change of stereotypes about a relationship and about traditional gender roles in the partnership.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Nataša Demšar Pečak

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