Holistic Cytology

Holistic Cytology

International Research Press ( 2016-08-09 )

€ 45,90

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Holistic cytology studies a cell as a holistic object. That is why it monitors its interests and used strategies. They are connected with the object as a whole, they are indivisible. Holistic cytology studies mainly the control system of the cell. The task of this system is to solve a tension in different areas of the cell what is a sequel of different demand for elements. This solution consists in an identification of events of tension and in a reaction on them. This identification is oriented toward finding out of a global event, the consciousness of a cell. The role of a molecule of water and of group of them in the control is rehabilitated. Its engagement in higher structures is an important indicator at a regeneration of the cell – a return to the state before the solved tension. The structure of a holistic cell is studied on a basis of knowledge of analogical systems. At the same time an instrument for its objective study is submitted – a structural model of events.

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By (author) :

Martin Vlcek

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