Knowledge Representation for Sanskrit Verb Argument Authentication

Knowledge Representation for Sanskrit Verb Argument Authentication

An Ontological Approach

International Research Press ( 2016-11-24 )

€ 67,90

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This book represents a constructive analysis of semantic features of selected Sanskrit verbs, offering a range of methods through which a knowledge-based dictionary could be developed, using an ontological tree and verb argument valence system for Sanskrit. The book is structured into seven chapters, with the first offering a theoretical discussion of the objectives and methodology of the work, followed by a brief survey of related research work conducted in this area. The second chapter details the theoretical background of ontology, while the third offers insights into Sanskrit verbs and explains the selection of verbs for this study. The next chapter gives a brief description of ontological tree and verb argument valence, while the fifth provides ontological knowledge data which has been developed, the rules for verb argument mapping, and a test suite for Sanskrit. The sixth chapter of the book explains the implementation of the system, including the knowledge data entry interface for this research, descriptions of the systems and tools used, and the technique; and the seventh concludes the study, and outlines future research and development.

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By (author) :

Subhash Chandra

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General and comparative linguistics

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