Parallel Shear Walls (PSW) - An Innovative Concept on Megatall Buildings

Parallel Shear Walls (PSW) - An Innovative Concept on Megatall Buildings

Applied to One Kilometer Tall Concrete Skyscraper. Concept of Concrete Reduction from Shear Walls of Tall Buildings

International Research Press ( 2016-12-26 )

€ 79,90

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There are numerous structural lateral systems used in Skyscraper/High-Rise building design such as Frames with Shear Core, Framed Tubes, Tube in Tube, Super Frames etc. Buildings can be built up to 140 stories/600 meters by the applications of the previous structural concepts. Further the Buttress Core System has been able to reach 163 stories. Author’s Structural Concept is able to reach up to 231 stories which will be habitable without any addition lateral supporting system like Outriggers, Belt Truss, Bracings, Dampers etc. thereby reduces the cost at the same time. Author’s innovative Structural Arrangement is very efficient for Tall Buildings. If Tuned Mass Damper is introduced, it can make usable floor at 264 stories. Apart from this, Part-2 of this book describes two more concepts, how to reduce the concrete volume (minimum 8%) from the shear walls of Building without affecting the structural integrity & drift (Lateral Displacement). If these two concepts apply to the shear walls of Tall Buildings, percentage of concrete reduction will be more, thereby a lot amount of money can be saved.

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By (author) :

Feroz Alam

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Building and environmental technology

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