Challenges faced by Ehlanzeni FET college graduates in agriculture, SA

Challenges faced by Ehlanzeni FET college graduates in agriculture, SA

The case study of Ehlanzeni Further Education and Training students (Mthimba-campus) in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa

International Research Press ( 2017-03-13 )

€ 45,90

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This book identifies the challenges faced by Ehlanzeni Further Education and Training college (Mthimba campus) students in starting agricultural projects after graduating. It further suggests some possible solutions that can be done to mitigate these challenges. Some possible institutions that could also assist these graduates were also identified. A detailed literature accompanied by relevant government documents were used to compile this book. The book also highlights on why it became imperative in the last two decade to focus of pillars of sustainable agriculture. This book has been written to cater for academic requirements of graduate students, management of Further Education and Training colleges and the entire higher education sector, lecturers and academics in agricultural in higher education, agricultural policy makers, government and private sectors dealing with agriculture. Finally the book attempted to assist in improving the state of Ehalanzeni Further Education and Training college (Mthimba campus) and can also be used as pilot project for other Further Education and Training colleges offering Primary Agriculture.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Rendani Humphrey Khwidzhili

Number of pages:


Published on:



Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition

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