Bias in News translation

Bias in News translation

International Research Press ( 2017-02-22 )

€ 45,90

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The act of translation is almost as old as mankind. However, the study of the field developed into an academic discipline in the 20th century. Before that, translation had been treated an element of language learning i.e. Translation Studies (TS) has only a short history as a discipline. The subject has set foot in many different areas, including linguistics, literary study, history, philosophy, psychology, economics, politics and ... In today’s world, politics has a critical role in building the cultural body of the societies. In other words, it affects people’s routine activities and directs their communication. News media which is regarded as the mirror of the politics and politicians, have received the attention of translation scholars over the past three decades. It reflects the ideas of the institutions which provide them. Bias in News Translation is an attempt to uncover the role of power institutions in producing and translating the news. In this book, we are intended to illustrate that news is the production of power agents and it doesn’t manifest the reality. It is something that news providers make. Therefore, news reporting is ideological and biased.

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By (author) :

Mahdi Aslani

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