Swedish Management in Singapore: a Discourse Analysis Study

Swedish Management in Singapore: a Discourse Analysis Study

International Research Press ( 2016-07-14 )

€ 124,90

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The Swedish management style as a specialized field of research interest began in the early 1980s with a niche group of Swedish scholars employing a variety of methods of inquiry into the topic. This book employs discourse analysis as a framework and tool for studying Swedish management characteristics outside of Scandinavia, mainly in Southeast-Asia, in Singapore. As a comparative measure, the Singapore Chinese management style is also investigated and presented as part of the findings of this study. Communication strategies used by top managers of the different cultural backgrounds in the context of joint decision making and conflict resolution is discussed. This book is useful to students in the field of language in international business studies, wanting to apply discourse analysis to the study of cross-cultural management. It is also useful for private practitioners who want to gain further insight into the different leadership and management styles of top managers of Swedish managed multinational enterprises based in Singapore.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Cheryl Marie Cordeiro

Number of pages:


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General and comparative linguistics

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