Taxation System in Andhra During the Vijayanagara Period

Taxation System in Andhra During the Vijayanagara Period

International Research Press ( 2016-06-21 )

€ 67,90

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Dr.Munirathnam in this Book focussed on the tax terms found in the published inscriptions of the Vijayanagara Dynasty. The tax terms found in inscriptions have been classified into various groups and their probable meanings were discussed. As a background the Nayankaras in relation to taxation has been examined. This work is divided into three chapters. The first chapter is in the Nature of Introduction and it deals with the importance of the present study. The second chapter deals with the administrative divisions in the Andhra Country during the Vijayanagara period. The Vijayanagara empire was broadly divided into Rajyas. The third chapter which is the core of the work, deals with the revenue system. The main burden of this chapter is the discussion of the various tax terms and classifying them into different categories. A chronological list of the Nayankara holders in relation to taxation is also appended.

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By (author) :

Mahasamudram Munirathnam

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Pre and early history

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