Synthesis charactorisation and applications of nano cobalt ferrites

Synthesis charactorisation and applications of nano cobalt ferrites

Nano Cobalt Ferrites, XRD, SEM, TEM, VSM

International Research Press ( 2016-05-10 )

€ 59,90

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Nano catalysis can help design catalysts with excellent activity, greater selectivity, and high stability. These characteristics can easily be achieved by tailoring the size, shape, morphology, composition, electronic structure, and thermal and chemical stability of the particular nanomaterial. Nano catalysts enjoy several advantages over conventional catalyst systems; however, isolation and recovery of these tiny nano catalysts from the reaction mixture is not easy. Conventional techniques (such as filtration) are not efficient because of the nano size of the catalyst particles. This limitation hampers the economics and sustainability of these nano catalytic procedures. To overcome this issue, the use of magnetic nanoparticles has emerged as a viable solution; their insoluble and paramagnetic nature enables easy and efficient separation of the catalysts from the reaction mixture with an external magnet.The high catalytic activity of transition metals appears to be one of the most significant facts of heterogeneous catalysis. It is believed that a mixture of oxides brings out a combined effect or a sort of synergistic behaviour.

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By (author) :

Bassa Satyannarayana

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