As an expatriate working within a brand new technical Emirati girls’ school, this case study aimed to investigate teacher perceptions about the provision of continuous professional development (CPD) along with the potential implications for the leadership team. This case study reviewed the CPD that was being delivered by taking into consideration the views and experiences of the teaching staff at the school. This mix method approach focused on CPD given the fact that teaching and learning at the school is tablet based using the latest iPad and Mac Book technology within the classroom on a daily basis, where every teacher and every student has an iPad for learning. With this innovative and contemporary learning tool was the assumption by the organisation that a mass roll out of CPD was required. While there is a centralised approach, there is no single identified model for delivery within this case study. Bubb and Earley (2007:41): “No CPD should be undertaken without taking into account what teachers and other staff already know and can do. It is therefore important to identify individuals’ needs (rather than wants) along with those of the school and the education system”.

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By (author) :

Melanie Davis

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Education, Occupation, Career

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