Cognitive Styles, Study Habits and Academic Achievement

Cognitive Styles, Study Habits and Academic Achievement

International Research Press ( 2018-09-26 )

€ 79,90

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Cognitive style is a term used in cognitive psychology to describe the way individuals think, perceive and remember information or their preferred approach to using such information to solve problems. A proper study habit enables an individual to reap a good harvest in future. Academic Achievement is an important factor for vocational and general success. The overall objective of this book is to find out the study habits and cognitive styles of the students and the difference among them in study habits and cognitive styles due to variation in Locality, Gender and Type of Family; also aiming to know the influence of these factors on academic achievement of students. This is a correlation study and it correlates academic achievement with cognitive styles and study habits. In the present book, the author has used the descriptive research method. The present book revealed that significant differences were observed in the Study Habits of Male students in relation to their counterparts. Moreover, this book reported that Urban students have better cognitive styles than Rural students.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Ismail Thamarasseri

Number of pages:


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Education system