Setting Up of a Computerized Maintenence Management System

Setting Up of a Computerized Maintenence Management System

International Research Press ( 2018-07-03 )

€ 59,90

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This report is the result of an engineering end of course internship carried out at the Limbe branch of the HYSACAM company in view for the award of a Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) degree in Industrial Maintenance and production Engineering. We worked on the topic “Setting up of a Computerized Maintenance Management System” from the 24th of May to the 22nd of September 2010 with the aim of eliminating paperwork and manual tracking activities, thus enabling the maintenance personnel to become more productive and also to modernize the branch’s maintenance management. To reach our objective of setting up a CMMS, we used the Merise method of information systems design. Following this method, we first of all set up databases of maintainable entities (the garbage collection trucks being the main maintainable entity), personnel, spare parts, stock, and other elements that complement maintenance using MS Access and then we implanted these databases into a windows application using MS Visual studios. The result we obtained is an information system that we called “MaintoExpress” which constituted our CMMS and that handles the maintenance, repairs and operations of the comany's branch.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Etchi Assam Edwin Etengeneng

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Informatics, IT