This research contributes to the study and development of advanced oxidation technologies by developed two catalyst B- Fe composite and TiO2/B /Ag and applied to degradation four pollutants B.G dye, propanil, poly acrylic acid and p-chlorophenol was selected as model molecule to represent the concerned pollutant because is widely used in industry. Firstly, two catalysts were prepared by wet- chemical. XRD and AFM analysis show catalysts in nanorange, B- Fe (average diameter is 73.08) and TiO2/ B /Ag (average diameter is 76.29). An experimental comparison among two catalyst B- Fe composite and TiO2/B /Ag. The variables considered were pH, H2O2 concentration, pollutants concentration, temperature effect and kinetic study for degradation. The experiments indicate that pollutants can be effectively degradation using phto- Fenton at B- Fe composite as catalyst. This indicate that the dissolved organics have been oxidized and the maximum degradation is obtained at pH 7 for B.G dye, propanil, poly acrylic acid and pH 3 for p-chlorophenol in 10 ppm concentration of pollutant, 8* 10-3 M of H2O2 at 15 min for B.G dye, 240 min for propanil, 240 min for poly acrylic acid and 15 min for p-chlo

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By (author) :

Hamdia Hateem Jawad Al-Shammary

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Physical chemistry

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