Lactic Acid Production from Wasted Dates in Saudi Arabia

Lactic Acid Production from Wasted Dates in Saudi Arabia

International Research Press ( 2018-03-20 )

€ 67,90

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Agricultural wastes are indeed considered as a tremendous problem that hinders all productive communities. Further, they are also classified as environmentally unfriendly when they are unwisely treated. As the matter of fact, Saudi Arabia (KSA) suffers from the effect of one of such matters, which is the wasted palm dates. In fact, wasted dates are considered as one of the main agricultural problems where, the annual production of palm dates in the KSA is estimated to be over 1 million metric tons, which in turn produces a huge volume of date's residues. The know-how of disposing these wastes was the motivating point for this work, encouraged by the arising high global demand of lactic acid used in industrial sectors ‘biodegradable plastic’. Hence, this work was aimed at making use of the date residues in order to produce lactic acid through processing bacterial fermentations. The very fact is that, this book (which is for the industrial applications), will become a useful source for both academic teaching and research purposes. We hope to receive our reader's opinions to benefit from their experience for future edition's enhancement.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Mahmoud Bushara
Fahad Alkoaik
Ahmed Abasaeed

Number of pages:


Published on:



Chemical technology