ESL Classroom Pedagogy and Differentiation

ESL Classroom Pedagogy and Differentiation

International Research Press ( 2017-05-10 )

€ 67,90

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This book consists of 134 pages. It highlights the new trends in teaching English as a Second Language. The author has cited different references of outstanding researchers and books authors in teaching English Pedagogy. Classroom activities and assessment tips have been compiled from the author's own experiences in teaching English for 20 years. The book includes five chapters. Chapter one is entitled "Approaches, Methods, and Techniques." It starts by defining the terms: approach, method, and technique. Then, a general discussion on the theories of language and theories of learning is conducted followed by detailed information on the chronological emergence of English teaching methods. More focus has been given to highlight the main principles, premises, role of teachers, role of students, and ways of implementing each method . Chapter two includes details about teaching the four language skills. Chapter three sheds light on the use of technical and non-technical teaching aids. In chapter four, the author pinpoints how to differentiate instruction . The last chapter focuses on how to create tests and tables of specification.The book will be useful to teachers of all levels.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Sabah Sabbah

Number of pages:


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