Public Health Dentistry in India - A Critique

Public Health Dentistry in India - A Critique

International Research Press ( 2016-11-28 )

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At the very basis of the system of oral health care are the goals and objectives. Some countries have neither clearly articulated oral health objectives nor a well defined system of care. It was 1885 when the National oral health policy was first drafted and till present the policy has neither been implemented nor presented in the Indian parliament for discussion. Is it not an irony that Indians, though having maximum number of dental schools yet have no oral health policy or any legislature for the same. Enough of dissection has already been done on the matter since the last few decades, it is now time for action. Let us as dental fraternity show sagacity on script. The matter has to be brought in public domain. We need to galvanize public opinion towards the significance of good oral health policy. Public opinion cannot be ignored. Let the politicians see it as a legitimate aspiration of people that those in policy making will respond to it.To realize where we have gone wrong we need honesty of purpose and sincere articulation of the issue. Let’s hope that finally we we get our acts right and have an oral health policy at the earliest.

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By (author) :

Abhinav Singh
Bharathi M. Purohit

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