Enhancement of Web Pages Retrieval over Adapting Crawler

Enhancement of Web Pages Retrieval over Adapting Crawler

International Research Press ( 2017-10-16 )

€ 89,90

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The search operations for information by the user in any search engine requires adequate description and if the user is unacquainted with the knowledge about a topic, he will not describe it concisely. So the accuracy and quality of the results will be decreased and the user will reformulate the query several times. All of these reasons motivate the user to use Exploratory Search and submit seed document(s) which reflects his knowledge about a particular topic. The Exploratory search in turn will try to understand the user’s information need by analyzing the document( s) and discovering a novel that assists in the information retrieval. This concept can be combined with the idea of Focused Crawler with Adaptivity feature to meet the information need. This book suggests adaptive crawler which enhances the accuracy of the results in the traditional crawler and automates the query generation. It tries to help the user in retrieving information from the Internet, the proposed adaptive crawler system asks the user about the seed document(s) and focus term(s) which can be used to understand the desired information need.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Dunia H. Hameed

Number of pages:


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