Forest conflict on the forest resources management

Forest conflict on the forest resources management

A Case study of Yamdena Island, Maluku

International Research Press ( 2017-03-27 )

€ 45,90

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Forest conflict in Yamdena Island can be managed by: (1) management and utilization of small scale timber forest production adapted to the nature and characteristics of forests and the region’s bio-physical conditions; (2) management and utilization of forest services, especially ecotourism; (3) biodiversity and carbon trading. In addition, the logging company is no longer focused on timber extraction but ecosystem restoration. Basically, the logging company from the outset is not directly exploiting the forest but making improvements in the forest, firstly by planting vacant land and enrichment planting, conservation of flora and fauna which are endangered in various places in the degraded forest by involving the local community. The activities are known as ecosystem restoration whose implementation permit is regulated in government regulation No. 6, 2007. After the logging company ensures that they have succeeded in conservation, only then will they start their activities for timber levy. Thus, it is a sympathetic and convincing step that the logging company does not only understand extracting the forest resources.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Gun Mardiatmoko
Thomas Silaya
Jan Hatulesila

Number of pages:


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Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition