Locally Formulated Gluten Free Flour for Celiac Patients of Pakistan

Locally Formulated Gluten Free Flour for Celiac Patients of Pakistan

Unveiling the Plight of Celiac Patients of Pakistan

International Research Press ( 2016-08-16 )

€ 99,90

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There is an increasingly growing population of celiac patients in Pakistan. There has been no effort to cater their nutritional and dietary needs. In a country with a high child morbidity and mortality rate, this situation if not taken care of, can pose serious health problems. The study under report is an effort to develop strategies for the production of Gluten Free Flour (GFF)from indigenous sources. Developed recipes of GFF were evaluated for their sensory characteristics, nutritional value, and cost. Induction of the finally selected GFF in the diet of celiac patients for four months, resulted in significant improvement in their nutritional status and gastrointestinal symptoms. Young celiac patients benefited the most. Increased compliance, satiety, and meal satisfaction was also reported in almost all patients. GFF was rated reasonably well for palatability, acceptability, ease in preparation, and improvement in general well being.

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By (author) :

Samra Imran

Number of pages:


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Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition

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