Water is the key for life sustenance as well as quality of life depend upon water. Since the dawn of history, man has realized the importance of water and adopted his capacity to use this resource to the best of his ability. This Book is divided into Four Chapters, the first chapter deals with an account of the Historical background of Irrigation in Andhra Pradesh, objectives of the study, methodology, scope and review of literature. The second chapter deals with the Irrigation facilities in Andhra Pradesh. The third chapter deals with the Irrigation facilities and Agricultural development in Kurnool District.The Fourth chapter is conclusion. This is devoted for making an analysis of the entire thesis. This chapter projects the irrigation facilities and agricultural development which is a crux of the book. The socio- economic and cultural impact of irrigation system is recorded which resulted in the overall development of the study area. Good number of examples has been incorporated to support the hypothesis and argument of the scholar.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Dudekula Khajavali

Number of pages:


Published on:



Regional and land history

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