Impact of leadership style on successful organizational development

Impact of leadership style on successful organizational development

United Arab Emirates

International Research Press ( 2016-10-12 )

€ 64,90

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Extensive research has been undertaken in the area of transformational leadership and yet some notable gaps exist. Research has compared transformational and transactional leadership and examined its existence in both public and private organizations. The leadership phenomenon has also been investigated in different cultures, yet there is a paucity of data which synthesizes how these leadership paradigms compare in a diverse Middle Eastern cultural environment. The current study aimed to address this gap by examining characteristics of transformational and transactional leadership in organization in United Arab Emirates. More specifically, the investigation into UAE higher education explored the impact leadership has on organizational outcomes. The outcomes were derived from the behaviors and qualities of leaders being compared with the perceptions held by followers. Perceptions were gathered through the variables of trust, motivation and job satisfaction. Primary data was gathered through questionnaires that were purpose designed for both leaders and followers. Data was sought on transformational theory, ideal leader characteristics and a perceptual understanding of motivation.

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By (author) :

Abdel Ghani Khafajeh

Number of pages:


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Business management

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