Application of groundwater vulnerability models in an urban area

Application of groundwater vulnerability models in an urban area

Integrating with GIS environment

International Research Press ( 2018-08-28 )

€ 59,90

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21st century witnessed a tremendous growth of urbanization all over the globe. This unmanaged urban growth and rapid population increase are causing a significant impact on the water sector, especially in groundwater resources. The uncontrolled population growth and increase in urban infrastructural development are causing a huge damage and reduction in groundwater availability in urban areas. It is not an unlimited source and hence has to be managed against excessive exploitation and contamination. In year 2018, the planning commission of India has been notified more than 20 cities which will be going to finish with groundwater reserve after the year 2020; after declaring Shimla and Hyderabad city as first ones. Hence the protection of groundwater resources and its proper utilization are essential. For the same groundwater models has been made, to assess the vulnerability and chances of getting the groundwater resource contaminated. This book covers the application of groundwater vulnerability models in an urban area in Geographic Information System environment.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Mukesh Kumar Verma
Manish Kumar Sinha
Harshit Shukla

Number of pages:


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