The Christ plant is a succulent ornamental plant. It gained popularity due its attractive flowers and various landscape uses. Conventional propagation of the Christ plant results a low progeny which hinders its large-scale propagation. Moreover, the slow growing bacteria in its vascular tissues, the low availability of shoot tip as a source of explant material and the production of toxic exudates were common problems for the establishment of aseptic culture. This book presents the reader with detailed information on the large-scale in vitro propagation of the Christ plant using inflorescence explants. Inflorescence reversion, shoot proliferation in bioreactor system, in vitro flowering, rooting and acclimatization in hydroponics and subsequent production of potted flowering plants are described and discussed. It is intended that this book will be of value and interest to all those concerned with commercial propagation of cacti and succulent plant species. In particular, it is directed towards those working in horticulture, plant tissue culture and plant physiology but it is hoped that a wider audience will find much of use in this book.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Yaser Hassan Dewir

Number of pages:


Published on:



Agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fishery, nutrition

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